What Is The Difference Between Bottled Water And Tap Water? The Surprising Facts}

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What Is The Difference Between Bottled Water And Tap Water? The Surprising Facts


Steve Waters

What is the difference between tap bottled water and tap water, and why is it important to know? There are some surprising facts you should be aware of which we will explore in this article.

Cashing In On Fear

It seems that many Americans as well as those in other countries are worried about the quality and safety of their drinking water supplies. If this were not the case the bottled water sellers would not be cashing in to the tune of 22 billion dollars per year! The sellers of bottled water say that tap water is polluted with things such as bacterial cysts, prescription drugs, and hazardous chemicals, etc.

Whats The Truth

To their credit, the bottled water people are correct for the most part. Tests of drinking water supplies across the USA have shown as many as 2,100 different toxic substances in tap water. Although these were trace amounts, there have been many cases of severe illnesses and even deaths linked to tainted tap water. So, there is some cause for concern with tap water safety.


The Truth About Bottled Water

Recently PepsiCo the makers of the wildly popular bottled water Aquafina admitted that the source of their water comes from city water sources! They plan to re label their product in the near future with some other form of advertising to make it sound appealing.

Unlike city or municipal water supplies bottled water has very few regulations. Bottled water companies can literally fill a plastic bottle with tap water and sell it. Guess what, some companies actually do just that. Most bottled water companies simply filter out the chlorine in the water they use to make it taste better. Many tests have shown the same pollutants exist in bottled water as in tap water.

Do Your Own Taste Test

Try this taste test on your family or friends. Get some empty water bottles and fill them with tap water. Place them in your refrigerator overnight and conduct a taste test VS bottled water. You will be surprised at the results.


We are literally filling up our landfills with plastic bottles to the tune of 1.5 million tons per year, thats about 38 billion plastic water bottles. Even with recycling, there is a tremendous amount of toxic material released into our air. You also need to consider the tremendous amount of energy (oil) that is used in making the bottles. Tap water can not be accused of this problem.

The Solution

Now that you have been shown what is the difference between bottled water and tap water, we need a solution. The best solution according to experts is to use a quality water filter and make your own bottled water using re usable glass bottles. Some companies that sell quality water filters also sell glass bottles to make your own bottled water.

A few companies give you a supply of glass bottles with a water filter purchase. Doing it that way you can make your own bottled water for around 10 cents per gallon. Compare that to bottled water at a store where you can pay as much as what a gallon of gas would cost. The cost difference would easily pay for a quality water filter.

Next time you think about buying that case of bottled water, remember what is the difference between bottled water and tap water.

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What Is The Difference Between Bottled Water And Tap Water? The Surprising Facts }