Melbourne Asian Escort Girl Why I’m Hooked On Her}

Melbourne Asian Escort Girl – Why I’m hooked on her


iselect Escorts

Let me introduce myself, my name is John and I have a real weakness for Asian escort services in Melbourne. My weeks comprise of work during the day and fun times with my favorite Asian girls, adult massage and full escort services are always on the menu. The rest of my week consisted of the normal problem solving issues everyone has and making sure I’m on track to enjoy the next weeks activities.

I have been living the life of a divorced man for over five years. To this day I dont really know why my wife left me but I’ve long since got over it. Managing the breakup wasn’t easy for me but seeing that first Asian escort girl helped a lot. I didn’t really have a preferrence as to what “type” of girl but wanted a change so I decided on a private Asian escort. Dealing with stunning girls on a hourly basis with my job takes its toll, some of my friends are jealous because I’m judging all these attractive girls. It can be quite difficult being spoilt by your surroundings as far as the opposite sex goes.

I work for one of Melbourne top modeling agencies as a screening director, its challenging but also exciting. Why is my job fun and exciting? Being around gorgeous girls in designer clothes and the most sensual lingerie is a real pleasure. To complicate things even more some of the girls try to seduce me as a way to get accepted into the agency. Still, I never gave in to temptation and accepted their offers, seeing that first Asian escort had changed my tastes in women, from that moment on I was hooked on Asian girls.


Never did I give in to temptation with those girls no matter how long, sheer and sexy their legs were or how hard they tried. On occasions I almost buckled but managed to refrain and keep my professional distance. As a now happy single man I’m not looking for a relationship actually I avoid them, its a lot easy to call one of my favorite Asian escort girls and be spoilt by some sensual erotic massage escort services.

My first encounter with an escort was a very nervous one, I was thinking “what if” someone I know sees me but my fears were unfounded. They are professional satisfiers and most of them have amazing personalities. My initiation with escorts was at last years work break up party in Melbourne. It was our agencys year ender affair and women were pouring out everywhere. Everywhere I looked there were sexy women ready to party, some were past the ready stage by the time I arrived. The amazing thing was, out of the crowd there was one gorgeous girl that really caught my eye. In the middle of the dance floor there was this stunning Asian girl wearing a black silk mini dress and a pearl necklace that gave away her cleavage. For me it was like every other woman was greyed out and the spot light was on her, I had to go and introduce myself and do it well.

My mystery asian girl was Ling. She was born in China and raised in Melbourne. Ling didn’t look or act like my perception of an asian escort, she was elegant, confident and very interested in what I had to say, it was no surprise to me when i found out her business name was Ling4you as she really is. I soon found out that she was invited to the party by my boss who was a regular client of hers. I was the lucky one that night as she came home with me, how did I manage that you ask? Dutch courage you can call it, yes a few scotch’s and I ignored the fact that my boss was beside me . Realising I could get fired due to my intervention but at the time I was spellbound by the most stunning asian lady Ling, I was more thinking Ling4me rather than Ling4you at that point. Ling had a mysterious look about her, at one moment she appeared shy almost fragile then the next moment absolute confidence beamed through . After kissing her sweet thin Asian lips I could not help but grab her tiny ass. Looking back now I understand it might have been a little emabrressing for the people around us but at the time I really didnt care. The evening ended up being so much better than I ever expected, Ling and I got on extremely well. Her voice was pure seduction to my ears, I fell in love with her accent. After we made love in my apartment I took her home and she gave me a her personal contact details.

Sex with Ling was the best sexual encounter of my life, she was the first Asian girl I had ever made love with. From the moment she left in the morning I was planning my next encounter, will it be with Ling or another Asian escort, afer all Ling showed me that they really perform their escort services so well. And so I did. I dialed the number that Ling gave me and booked her for saturday evening, it was going to be my second experience with an Asian escorts.

It came to the end of the week, one more night and I would be entertained by Ling the beautiful asian escort, I was thinking about our night together as I got a message come through on my phone, it was Ling asking me to call so I did. Once again my concerns were unfounded, everything was set for Saturday night and Ling had planned a surprise for me which was to bring one of her Melbourne asian escorts along, what a great girl .

The next 24hours seemed to take so long but eventually the doorbell rang and it was Ling, right on time with her friend Victoria. Satruday night came, I couldnt wait for 8pm to come. The phone rang right on 8 oclock and it was Ling right on time. I buzzed her through and they both were at my door in what seemed seconds. My heart was racing but mentally I was trying to stay calm. Well you’re probably wondering what we got up to but I won’t mention the details here but I will say having 2 naked beautiful asian escorts giving you an erotic massage escort service is something more than special. From that night on I have only seen Asian escorts and have always had a great time, I’m converted..

You can see some of my favorite

asian girls


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Melbourne Asian Escort Girl – Why I’m hooked on her}