How To Housebreak A Puppy The Essential Guide

How to Housebreak a Puppy: Steps for Successful Training

Doggy and the City Website is your number one resource when it comes to understanding your beloved pooch. One of the major concerns most new dog owners have is housebreaking their puppy. It can be a daunting task, but with patience and consistency, you’ll be on your way to successful housebreaking.

Here, we provide a guide to housebreaking your puppy efficiently and in a stress-free manner.

Understand Your Puppy’s Schedule

Like babies, puppies have small bladders and need to eliminate frequently. Typically, a puppy needs to go out immediately after waking up, after playing, and after eating or drinking. Anticipating your puppy’s needs will get you ahead in the housebreaking process.

Stick to a Routine

Consistent feeding times will help your puppy learn when it’s time to go to the bathroom. Sticking to a routine helps signal your puppy’s body on when to eat, play, sleep, and eliminate.

Choose a Potty Spot

Choosing a specific potty spot outside and leading your puppy to it every time will help him understand where he is expected to do his business. With time, your puppy will automatically head to this spot when he needs to eliminate.

Introduce a Cue Word

By introducing a cue word every time your puppy is about to do his business, he’ll start associating that word with the act. Choose any word but be consistent with it. Eventually, you’ll be able to use this word to prompt him to eliminate.

Reward Good Behavior

The use of positive reinforcement plays a significant role in the training process of any kind. Always reward your puppy immediately after he successfully goes to the bathroom in the chosen spot. This could be a small treat or lots of praise and petting. This way, he will associate going to the bathroom outdoors with rewards.

Be Patient and Consistent

Puppies are not masters of control and might have accidents from time to time. It’s essential not to punish them for it. Consistency and patience are critical during the housebreaking process. If you find an accident in the house, clean it thoroughly to remove the scent and avoid attracting the puppy to that spot again.

Crate Training

Crating can be a beneficial tool for housebreaking a puppy, as dogs are naturally clean animals and won’t eliminate where they sleep. Make the crate a comfortable space for the puppy and never use it as a form of punishment.

In conclusion, the process of housebreaking a puppy requires time and patience. Remember, all puppies are individuals and learning takes place at different speeds. Keep the process consistent, and before you know it, your puppy will be housebroken. For more tips and advice, make sure to visit the Doggy and the City Website regularly.