Custom Home Builders Overcome A Shortage Of Good Locations

Custom Home Builders Overcome a Shortage Of Good Locations


Rey Courtnage

Recent reports claim that a shortage of desirable locations is hurting the housing industry recovery. Because many new homeowners prefer to live close to major urban area, the available land in those areas is in short supply. Until the far-flung areas develop the infrastructure and amenities of those areas that are closer to the city, many home construction companies are scrambling to purchase the few areas that are available.

But the problem may be less dire for custom home builders. Because they often purchase their own lots in prime locations, custom home builders have a variety of lots in prime locations on which to build. In addition, custom home builders often have access to a list of lots in prime locations that many other home builders may not. This allows them to offer their customers a wider variety of possible home locations in areas that are the most desirable.


The shortage of prime locations for non-custom home builders is a result of banks, land developers and other construction professionals snapping up vacant land in far-flung areas during the housing boom. As the industry faltered, those lots remained vacant with banks and builders afraid to begin construction. By not building on these sites, the surrounding area remained underdeveloped as well: no new roads, sidewalks, sewer and electrical lines or other necessary infrastructure elements.

Meanwhile, the demand for lots in areas that were already developed increased. Home builders who spent their time seeking cheaper land in more remote area sudden did an about face and tried to find lots in the desirable areas. The few lots that were available were often split into smaller lots, cramming two homes into a space originally meant for one.

Custom home builders, however, were already well positioned to accommodate clients who sought new homes in desirable areas. Many had already purchased lots in the desire able area and were able to accommodate the wishes of discerning homebuyers. Meanwhile, the close relationship that custom home builders have with local banks and land developers allows them to have access to some of the prime areas.

The access to prime lots that custom home builders have comes at the right time, as more and more future home owners are demanding larger lots in areas that offer a more urban lifestyle. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median size of a newly constructed single-family home increased to more than 2,200 square feet in 2011, surpassing the median size of 2,160 square feed in 2010.

That demand for more space is making custom home builders the wise selection for potential homeowners.

For more information about the custom home building, visit Whitestone Builders 9801 Westheimer, #302 Houston, TX 77402 (832) 274-3848 Email: Website:

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