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Correcting Professional Sports Defensive Habits


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Ball security: The Gauntlet Drill

There is nothing more important for offense to learn great ball security. This of course is even more important for wide receivers and running backs as they handle the ball more than most. A great drill called the gauntlet practices ball security. The drill starts with a player protecting the ball as best as he can while running through several opponents. A coach can set up short fast runs or longer relays with several obstacles and defenders prying at the ball. To be effective with this drill have the ball carrier run the drill holding the ball in several different positions.

Learning the Basics of Catching a Low Football Pass


Good receivers and even running backs know how to make the great plays. Execution on a football field starts with practice. One situation that most offensive players will face is the low catch. Here are some great techniques in coaching and learning the low catch. First keep the pinkies together down low to make a shovel. This technique stops the ball from bouncing away and also helps the player scoop up the ball quickly. Second, keep low to the ground as a reference your knees should be level with your elbows, and if this means that you are down on all fours better a complete and no extra yards than an incomplete pass. Third, once the ball touches your hands scoop it up into your chest and tuck it away into a secure position. Remember, the cardinal rule of catching is to use your hands and not your body. Always watch the ball through from the first time you see it in the air until it is in a secure ball carrying position. And always see the ball through, meaning that you are watching it into the tuck.

Up Downs Conditioning Drill

Up downs is an excellent conditioning drill that will improve reaction time and endurance. This drill starts by having the players run in place as fast as they can encourage them to get their knees up as high as they can. Then at random a coach will yell, down or blow a whistle at which the players must dive to the ground do a push up and then jump back into running in place. As up downs require endurance and strength, players are encouraged to start in slow short burst and work up to longer and more intense sessions.

How to overpower on the line of scrimmage

Find a soft spot and push hard, that is what line strategies are all about. A great technique that will give you an advantage on the line is double team blocking. In essence you take two blockers or linemen and have them go after the same person. If you ever need to get a running back through or perform a great blitz, remember this technique. To execute this properly have both linemen step together at the same time and lock their hips together. This forms an impenetrable line in the middle and as each lineman is on the edge of the opponent it will be very difficult to go around. The double team should focus on the shoulders, and arm pits of the opponent to control dominance. Work it fast and work it hard

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