Beauty Tips

Submitted by: Issacrf Casey

Eyeliner can make even the smallest eyes appear larger. The eyeliner is there to help you out in this regard. Eyebrows play an important role in heightening the beauty of eyes. Perfect eyebrows almost transcend the beauty of the face and make an immediate visible impact in a makeover session. Eyebrows are shaped and colored all the time. Today, there are a variety of pencils for the eyebrows, in different colors and brands. Your hair reflects your general health. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is important for healthy hair. There are certain specific foods that are important for healthy hair. Don’t use hair removing lotion on your eyebrows. Also, it is perfectly normal for hair to grow quickly on your eyebrows.

Summer, like winter, requires it’s own special beauty tips. During the summer your skin can change quite a bit. It’s usually a few shades darker (hopefully from self-tanner only, of course), oilier due to heat and humidity or a bit parched in dry heat climates which can upset your tried-and-true makeup and skin care routine.A good water-resistant sunscreen, with an SPF of 15 or higher, should be applied to dry skin at least 15 minutes before going outdoors. It should be reapplied after swimming or spending any length of time in the sun. Certain foods and beverages, such as herbal teas, avocados, and fruit, help in purifying and nourishing the skin in summer. Spicy or hot foods should be avoided if you plan on spending any length of time outdoors, as these may cause skin irritations or inflammations. Drinking lots of water is absolutely essential to replenish moisture lost to the drying effects of the sun.

Summer Beauty Tips


1. Skin tends to get oilier in summer.

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The skin directly beneath the eyes is quite thin and sensitive, which makes it prone to damage. Aging and prolonged sun exposure thins the skin even more, which makes the blood vessels much more apparent. A lot of these small blood vessels give the appearance of black circles under eyes.

Of course, there is not much we can do about growing older but there are many easy ways to lessen the look of circles below the eyes. Simple home remedies such as placing slices of cucumber, cooled, used tea bags or chilled teaspoons onto your closed eyelids are very effective. Relax and allow the cooling sensation to work its magic.

Circles beneath the eyes may possibly also be caused by allergic reactions or hayfever. Many people are allergic to air-borne allergens, such as dust and pollen. When their eyes itch, they can’t scratching them. This continuous rubbing and itching can result in black circles. Avoiding rubbing the below eye area will assist to minimize the darkness. Tackling the allergy symptoms themselves will in turn assist in eliminating the circles.

You may just be unfortunate that dark circles run in your family. In this case, your children may also have them. People with deep set eyes or fair skin are usually much more susceptible to beneath eye circles. There are many cosmetic concealers and correctors on the market which are very successful in concealing them. Regular makeup foundation and concealer is unlikely to perform the job.

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