Wrinkle Creme Vs Botox Don’t Make Me Laugh!

Submitted by: Sean Saunders

Think that botox outperforms wrinkle creme? Well, you are sadly mistaken. Not only does botox pale in comparison to the top wrinkle cremes, but regular botox injections can actually hamper your long term anti aging efforts. For a more in-depth outlook on the battle between botox and wrinkle creme, take a look below.

Round 1: Cost

Most average citizens can’t afford to drop $800-$900 on a one-time injection just to make themselves look younger. Also, that “one-time” injection isn’t really just one time. In order to keep up the appearance of having fewer wrinkles, you’re going to have to get botox injections at least 2-3 times per year. Why? Because each botox injection only lasts 3-6 months. Do the math on this costly procedure, and you’re looking at about a $2000+ bill every year.

Did you know that most of the top wrinkle cremes only cost about $80-$130? In addition to that, most wrinkle creme can be used for 1-3 months before you need to purchase more. Compare that figure of around $600 a year to the whopping expense of botox injections and the winner is clear.

Winner: Wrinkle Creme


Round 2: Safety

Botox is considered safe to use by the FDA. However, their safe and your safe likely have 2 different meanings. For instance, do you consider an anti-aging injection which contains a highly poisonous neurotoxin safe? Probably not. Well, that’s what botox is, a bacterial neurotoxin called botulinum. This substance is so “safe” that it is approved for use on just 5% of our entire face. If that doesn’t scream stay away, what does?

About 4/5 anti wrinkle cremes are made with natural ingredients proven to fight the signs of aging. Ingredients in anti-wrinkle cream will harm you about as much as a small bowl of fruit will.

Winner: Wrinkle Creme

Round 3 (Final Round): Anti Aging Results

Botox WILL make you look younger; there’s no denying that simple fact. However, the bigger question is, how much younger will it make you look? Unfortunately for you, not nearly as much as you think it will. The reason for this is because botox only addresses motion wrinkles, which happens to be just a single part of facial rejuvenation. You’ll have fewer wrinkles, yes; but what about all the other signs of aging? Finelines, crowsfeet, sun damage, age spots, undereye bags, skin discoloration, or even scars. None of these issues, NONE, will be corrected by botox injections.

After reading that, you’ll be glad to hear that wrinkle creme addresses not only motion wrinkles but also every other sign of aging as well (take a look at the above list again). The ingredients in the cream will work together as a whole in order to make your skin look younger and even a bit healthier. And unlike botox injections, regular use of an anti wrinkle creme will NOT cause more wrinkles to form on your face, nor will it cause your anti aging efforts to be any less effective.

Winner: Wrinkle Creme

As you can clearly see, there really is no comparison between these two anti aging remedies. One treatment is affordable, safe, and highly effective, while the other is none of those things.

About the Author: For more information on how

wrinkle creme

is superior to botox and to see reviews on the three best wrinkle creams around, try visiting


, one of the most popular and informative anti aging websites on the web.



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