Weight Loss A New Years Resolution?

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Submitted by: Shane Hess

Well, it s almost that time of year again where we start to dream up our new years resolution. For most, it is all about making commitments to ourselves to change that one thing about us that we dislike the most. Some of us; however, tend to stick with that same resolution year after year after year. Why? I think we all know why. It is because we have failed to commit and follow through with our previous years resolution. Now, I am sure it will come as no surprise to most that one of the most popular resolutions is weight loss since over 66 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. There are tons of people, at the beginning of the year, who are buying up gym memberships attempting to follow through with the weight loss promises made days prior. The gym can be a pretty crowded place to be the first of the year; although, traffic in the gym is usually back to normal by the middle of February. In fact, research shows that 60 percent of the memberships purchased don t even get used.


So, why are weight loss resolutions so hard to stick with? There are a lot of reasons actually. Too many to count I m sure. Let me name a few and you decide if any of the following have ever pertained to you. The first one I will mention is support or lack thereof. We all like having support and extra encouragement. It s what keeps up driven and motivated to push forward. Second is time. Let s face it, spending time at the gym and exercising in general adds time to our already busy schedules. How about the cost of nutrition? Trust me when I say I know the cost of produce can be expensive. What about the goals we set for ourselves? A lot of us set unrealistic goals for ourselves. The more impossible those goals seem to reach the easier it becomes to give up. Let s not forget that we as humans are programmed to not finish what we start because we want to see instant results in all things we do.

Now, I have great news for you. I believe that each and every one who has a weight loss resolution already in mind for this New Year can succeed. I know, my beliefs are far from your reality. I get it but I am telling you that you can do it and here is why. There are some great choices out there today as far as weight loss. Some of them have proven to be the best options you could ever ask for. There is a plan out there that is just right for you. One that will give you the added support you need to succeed. A weight loss plan that will free up time and limit if any exercise you will have to do. A plan that is not only inexpensive but can save you money on what you are currently spending towards food. There are plans out there that can not only help you set goals but achieve your goals. I am not talking about a pill, potion, or surgery. I am talking about an actual plan that will deliver all the components it takes to make weight loss a success. I believe we can all succeed in making this year s weight loss resolution our last. It s up to you to find the solution.

About the Author: Shane Hess is a published author and a successful owner of multiple businesses. He has researched several different solutions for a plan that has all the ingredients to make weight loss and fitness goals successful. If your ready to start your weight loss journey go to




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