Dynamics Gp Partner Newsflash: Tax Tables Update Service Overview}

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Dynamics GP Partner Newsflash: Tax Tables Update Service Overview


Andrew A Karasev

Microsoft Dynamics GP, formerly known as Great Plains Dynamics and eEnterprise US Payroll module requires periodic payroll tax rates update. For large number of employees in your organization, especially when you have locations in multiple US states, you probably want to do quarterly tax update. If you are current with Microsoft Business Solutions annual support plan, you have access to Payroll Tax update utilities through your GP Customer Source. If you are no longer enrolled in annual support plan, you should check with your current Dynamics GP VAR if your current Great Plains version is still supported and you could receive Tax Updates from your GP Reseller. In this small publication we would like to give you the idea on limited payroll tax update service for old versions of Great Plains Dynamics GP:


1. Payroll Tax Rate Tables in Dynamics database. Tax rates are stored in system database of Great Plains, which is Dynamics. So, updates is done only once on the system level, and it should take effect immediately for all your companies

2. Limitations of Tax Update for old versions. GP versions 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0 and earlier are no longer supported by Microsoft and Payroll Tax update download is not available for these versions. However, you should expect that some of the States changed their Tax calculation formulae and it is not possible to use old formulas, incorporated in Dynamics.DIC business rules logic. At this time we are aware about Missouri, so if your employees are there, please consider reenrolling to MBS support plan and upgrade your Dynamics GP to supported version 10.0 or 9.0. The other option would be to request GP Dexterity custom programming to update Tax Calculation formula in your old Great Plains version

3. Tax Rates Update Technology. We do understand your situation and we copy current tax rates to custom table and then from there we update your outdated tax tables in Dynamics database. This procedure typically requires four hours of Great Plains Technical Consultant time

4. Tax Update for Pervasive SQL and Ctree databases. This update requires some help from your IT department. Our preferred method is to use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, create Linked Server to your Pervasive SQL or Ctree database, and update tax tables through heterogeneous SQL Update statement. If this is your case, please budget eight hours for the procedure. A bit more exotic case is when you host your Great Plains in Mac Faircom Server (Ctree)

Andrew Karasev, Alba Spectrum LLC. http://www.albaspectrum.com help@albaspectrum.com 1-866-528-0577. Web portal: http://www.pegasplanet.com We are Microsoft Dynamics GP technology partner, ERP and software integrator, who serves you USA, Canada, Mexico and Latin America nationwide. Local service is available in Chicago, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston: SAP Business One

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Dynamics GP Partner Newsflash: Tax Tables Update Service Overview
