Some Unexpected Benefits To Creatine}

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Some Unexpected Benefits To Creatine


Brian Chesterton

The strength and mass building benefits of creatine are widely known. In this article I will address some of the unexpected benefits of creatine use.

Enhanced Cognitive Ability

Creatine has been demonstrated to enhance cognitive ability in vegetarians and the elderly. Vegetarians typically have low creatine levels because their diet provides them with nearly none. It is unclear why the elderly would react positively to creatine. My conjecture is that our bodies manufacture lower amounts of creatine as we get older.

Young non-vegetarians have not demonstrated improvement after taking creatine, probably because they have sufficient creatine in their bodies already. Anyhow, it’s intriguing that there seems to be a relationship between brain well-being and creatine. I’m betting that there will be more investigation in this area in the future.

Enhanced Endurance

New research suggests that creatine use enhances endurance. In a research study of runners, creatine use resulted in faster running times in 300 and 1000 meter intervals. Endurance activities which could benefit from creatine use include medium and long distance running, cycling, swimming, rowing, cross country skiing, and many others.


If you plan on taking creatine to improve endurance, I advise using a small daily dose of 2-5g. Larger loading doses (20g per day or more) normally result in weight gain due to water retention. Greater weight is more often than not unwanted in endurance activities. Studies have discovered that using a small dose results in almostno increase in water weight.

Chronic Heart Failure

People suffering from chronic heart failure oftentimes have low levels of creatine in their bodies. Research has hinted that using creatine may increase heart muscle strength, endurance, and body weight in individuals with this disease.

Treatment Of Neuromuscular Disease

Creatine has been demonstrated to increase strength in people with a variety of neuromuscular diseases. Use of creatine has been studied for treatment of Parkinson’s disease, disuse atrophy, gyrate atrophy, McArdle’s disease, arthritis, Huntington’s disease, miscellaneous neuromuscular diseases, mitochondrial diseases and muscular dystrophy.

Creatine was demonstrated to be twice as effective as the drug riluzole in lengthening the lives of mice with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Other Uses

Creatine has demonstrated promise in other areas, but more research is needed. Here are a few:

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)


Increasing Bone Density

Infant Sleep Apnea

Lowering Cholesterol


Ischemic Heart disease

Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)

Spinal Cord Injuries

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Some Unexpected Benefits To Creatine
