Post Rhinoplasty Risks And Complications: Things You Should Know

Submitted by: Dr Ahnsup Kim

Rhinoplasty may not always come out the way we want it to be. There are instances where a poor nose job could result and it comes in the many forms. But even under the best circumstances there are still factors that can create some problems. So here is a list of the common problems that could result out of a nose job.

Difficulty Breathing

One of the worst things that could go wrong in an attempt to improve nasal appearance is when it results to an impaired ability to breathe. This is usually caused by the surgeon s use of poor technique or lack of skill by improperly manipulating the internal structures of the nose. To prevent this grave mistake which can cost you another trip to the surgeon, you better find yourself a good one this time around. Take the time to research and scout for one by reading online forums, reading reviews or by recommendation by word of mouth.

Temporary Impaired Sense of Smell

The loss of your sense of smell results when nerve fibers are disturbed during the procedure. This can be relieved within a few months time, and it can be a discomfort especially since it also disrupts your ability to enjoy your food.



The incidence of scarring can create a problem both in aesthetics and function. Scarring can be a concern in an open rhinoplasty, which is type of nose job done outside the nose. Sometimes even with the most highly skilled surgeon there is that factor where your body might not heal smoothly leaving you with that ugly reminder. That is why a close rhinoplasty is also an option. However, when scarring results on the inside it can impede the proper flow of air going through the nostrils creating a whistling sound. To relieve this problem, a revision rhinoplasty would have to be done.


When the nose is not fashioned to be equal on both sides, nasal asymmetry can be apparent. This can be seen in a pair of nostrils that are not uniformed in size or a misshapen tip. The best way to avoid this is to bring a photo of the kind of nose you want to have and to choose an experienced and certified surgeon who is going to do it on you.


Interestingly enough emotional problems can result when the sensitive nerve receptors within the nose is disrupted. It can result to some disorientation and depression, but it is hard to determine whether this is caused by plain discontent on the outcome of the procedure or purely organic in nature.

Bad Reaction to Anesthesia

A nose job without anesthesia is not possible considering the invasive nature of this procedure. Unfortunately ease and comfort during the procedure can come with a price and that is a bad reaction to anesthesia. Even though it doesn t happen quite often, the results can range between mild to fatal. Difficulty breathing, an increased or decreased blood pressure are among the things that can be experienced. To prevent this problem, a thorough evaluation should have to be done prior to surgery.

About the Author: Why you should get rhinoplasty?

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before and after Asian rhinoplasty photos. Dr. Ahnsup Kim is the director of Advance Beauty Cosmetic Sydney in Sydney, Australia with branches at Canberra and Melbourne. He is also a resident doctor of Prince of Wales Hospital Plastic Surgery Department. For more information, you can visit



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