Can C Cataract Eye Drops Reverse Cataracts In Both People And Canines

By Leslie Burke

The effect of the compound, N-acetylcarnosine, on human cataracts has been thoroughly investigated and proven to be safe and effective toward slowing down and even reversing the disease.

Over the last ten years, Dr. Mark Babizhayev and his team of Russian medical researchers have continued to observe the ongoing beneficial effects of this breakthrough cataract eye drop. In clinical trials conducted, it showed that patients instilled with two drops of the 1% N-acetylcarnosine (Can-C) eye drops twice daily for a period of 6 months showed vast improvement in their pre-existing eye conditions. The effective rate was a reported 100%. These results led to the patent and manufacture of the product providing a long awaited, safe and effective alternative to cataract surgery.

How do Can-C eye drops actually reverse cataracts? This eye drop with a proprietary form of N-acetylcarnosine acts as a carrier for the di-peptide, carnosine. Carnosine which is naturally present throughout the human body decreases in level as each person advances in age which contibutes to the onset of age-related problems such as cataract. Carnosine is both a known antioxidant and glycation inhibitor. When it comes to ocular disease such as cataract, eye drops are the most direct delivery route to the source of the problem, which is the ocular lens. In the form of N-acetyl-carnosine, this normally insoluble lipid, carnosine, becomes lipid soluble thus gaining entrance into the lipid membrane of both the corneal and lens cells. This bioavailability of N-acetylcarnosine at the cellular level and its ultimate release of the carnosine molecule is what results in the reported beneficial effects on the eye.


What is the difference between N-acetylcarnosine and L-carnosine? Firstly, studies show that only N-acetylcarnosine is clinically proven to be suitable for eye use. Unfortunately L-carnosine when administered topically on its own is destroyed by the enzyme, carnosinase, a dipeptidase present in blood plasma. Due to this, simple L-carnosine eye drops are not suitable for topical application to the eye.

Can-C eye drops with N-acetylcarnosine are not only effective in the treatment of cataract but have been shown to be beneficial for other eye problems such as open-angle primary glaucoma, computer vision syndrome, dry eye syndrome, retinal disease, complications of diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases, etc. Can-C has been reported to have virtually no negative side effects however when using other eye medications it is always recommended to consult first with your eye care specialist.

With the release of the Can-C product into the market supported by the clinical study results, various medical and pharmaceutical companies quickly released copycat cataract eye drop solutions containing N-acetylcarnosine. Dr. Mark Babizhayev the senior research investigator with Innovative Vision Products cautions consumers to be wary of these random formulations. The successful clinical results were dependent upon a highly specific purity factor of the raw material itself or rather, the precise content of the transition metal ion traces. This patent protected refinement of the Can-C N-acetylcarnosine raw material, with a Japanese chemical company, is what ultimately resulted in the anti-cataract successes achieved and long term safety. It is only this proprietary form of N-acetylcarnosine raw material that will ever be used in Can-C and this purity factor remains proprietary to Innovative Vision Products. Fortunately there is a simple way for consumers to verify if they have purchased the clinically proven formula patented by Innovative Vision Products as the following statement is printed on each and every box, “Approved by Innovative Vision Products. To obtain the desired long-term efficacy and safety of this eye drops be sure to purchase Can-C and be sure to look for this statement on the side panel of the box “Approved by Innovative Vision Products (IVP).

If you would like to read more about Dr. Mark Babizhayev, his research, testimonials or are a Physician, Veterinarian or Alternative Health Care Practitioner wishing to find out more then please visit the N-Acetylcarnosine (Can-C) Cataract Eye Drop website at

where there is detailed information and full scientific explanations available.

About the Author: Leslie Burke has a vast knowledge and experience with Can-C

canine eye drops

and Can-C

Cataract Eye Drops



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